Algorithmic Mishaps

<graphics/> <algorithms/>

During the summer semester we had to create an implementation of bilinear interpolation, which is commonly used in image processing. It’s quite easy to mess up the indices or numeric calculations in Assembly, so naturally we ran into some bugs here and there. For that reason the intermediate results were quite amusing, I wanted to share them here in a little gallery.


Getting started with Arch Linux

<linux/> <installation guide/>

Warranty Disclaimer I am not responsible for data loss, possible hardware failures, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because your arch driven atomic plant failed. If you have any concerns regarding the installation don’t hesitate to do some research on your own to prevent possible failures or bugs. After booting the arch iso you’ll will have to proceed with the following steps:


Programming a GH60

<keyboards/> <microcontrollers/>

I recently wanted to update my keyboards layout and thought it was a good opportunity to come with a guide since many friends keep asking me how to flash their keyboard on Linux. In this case I am requiring an Atmel-based PCB as we’re using DFU-Programmer which is developed for Atmel-Microcontrollers.